Could it be because a few of 1000's of investors w
Post# of 32804
Or is it possible Verb will go silent now because of them?
If so, will those bozos be back to complain the company hasn't given any updates?
Legend has it another bozo must complain before MarketPlace is launched
I like the updates of existing and new products. I'm not so wound up on timelines since many other tech companies I've pointed out with clear examples are years off. Why isn't anyone crying about Facebook being 4 years off?
Everything Verb does or doesn't do is similar to other tech companies. What is different is, this is the first tech company some investors investing in. Some of them can't even run a popsicle stand or car wash (you should see the complaints!) but are arm chair experts on running other companies.
You also have very vocal shorts and traders that want the share price as low as possible. Why didn't the company say this or tell us about that? Ugh, because it's material information ding dong. Over 99% of the shareholder votes were to keep Rory and the existing board. Benchmark that against other similar companies.
Somewhere there is a list of every failed thing that Google, Microsoft and other be tech companies. I know, I read it. One thing Google, Microsoft and others did right was not let shorts, traders and general aholes drive their strategy, timelines and execution. Oh and there are a shit load of whiners on social media about those companies. Double Oh, Microsoft has US$58.1b in debt. That's a 'concern', but not for me since I sold out of MSFT on Monday. Do people know that Google issues bonds to borrow billions? Of course not. Crybabies don't want to mention that because it doesn't work with their scare tactics.
Now where is my Friday email? Maybe I'm on the naughty list.
How about the Judith announcement I mentioned yesterday that I posted? Company didn't say anything because a few investors want them to hush up. Thanks a lot bozos!