I'm posting this on this board because Closet cont
Post# of 151031

Last week, Ohm responded to a post from Closet who said he may leave after the shareholders meeting if things don't go his way, and that he'll "see how this year progresses". Ohm replied by saying you can always ask the pizza guys for a detailed analysis (clearly tongue in cheek). Closet responded by calling Ohm a racist and that he had no idea as to how big a racist Ohm really is, and then continued the rant about how Ohm has no business posting such racist comments on these boards.
I responded with the following:
"I know your question was directed at Ohm, but I'm completely baffled by you accusing Ohm of being a racist because he suggested asking the pizza shop owners for a detailed analysis. What race are the pizza shop owners and what race is Ohm, and how is that tied to his comment??"
Of course Closet didn't respond and has deleted all evidence, and the only reason I'm mentioning it here is that Closet just eluded again to Ohm being a racist.
Closet, you clearly have come unhinged and if you start calling people a racist on this board, I'll see what we can do to have you banned permanently.