Calstang, I agree with your comment that the doctors in the Philippines know what made the difference for former Pres Estrada, regardless of the news. Herrera is working it also from the govt side, so something good will come out of this IMO. It would be good to hear something about the 28 folks and assuming we get the news we expect from them, more orders will come in and soon it should start to feel like Walmart at Christmastime around here. Nothing fuels business like the perception that there could be a shortage if other countries start to make orders. Those doctors in the Philippines are going say, "holy crap, this stuff actually works!". We all saw the frustration and anger on the face of that Dr. Barrett in Canada last week. They're talking about triage there in their ICUs because the other stuff currently out there just doesn't get the job done. We're very close to getting traction - starting with the Philippines then others will follow fast - IMO.