I think the 82% mortality improvement represents a
Post# of 150907

FDA oversight conducts the slow walk to oblivion we've been getting. And with the DSMB, directing heavy misguidance in trials. This is how inexperienced small bios get treated by the BP-dominated FDA.
I can't help but feel Leronlimab would be approved in several countries by now if US influence wasn't standing in the way. Don't underestimate Uncle Slam's willingness to strong-arm anyone who doesn't dance to their tune. Look at the dozens of countries, all reliant in one form or another on US economic support/business, who joined the so-called "coalition of the willing" to engage in a pointless, endless war in Iraq. Or how quick other countries are to join in on economic sanctions against countries like Cuba or Venezuela who pose no threat to the US other than having a successful socialist-based country to take the phony shine off capitalism?
Yet somehow, despite this strict FDA oversight, Gilead's remdesivir gets quick approval with poor results and a high safety threat.
The corruption in this country is out of control and obvious to anyone who takes a cursory glance.