Yes mTNBC is most important and simply astounding
Post# of 151411

Further to your post I understand the CEO orally reported it was now (recently ) 13 out of 13 patients bloodwork showed Zero CTC and maintaining Zero CTC.
While apparently in these statements CEO did Not differentiate dose, we would - if true - have no reason to believe higher dose was not safely tolerated.
These results indicate possible survival benefit ( possible ) but it is overwhelmingly exciting to the patients and their families.
This is simply astounding - not sure why it is not all over the press, it makes me very skeptical. Noted everyone including FDA has been very skeptical since day 1 and Montefiore begging for EINDS and subsequent PII. However, these results should be proclaimed and there is barely a whimper from CEO.
Regardless, it brings the families comfort and hope lets hope that translates to survival.
. very very exciting very exciting.
NP responded to a question about the mTNBC trials during the Wall Street Reporter interview last week. I believe the question was in regards to enrollment numbers and progress. NP said, if I’m recalling correctly, that CYDY is nearing full enrollment and completion of the phase 1B portion of the trial. The phase 1B portion consists of 18 patients, split into 3 groups of 6 each, for a 350mg arm, 525mg arm, and a 700mg arm. The phase 1B is meant to test for the maximum tolerated dose when combined with carboplatin.
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