no kidding .. actual P2O investors have been notin
Post# of 43065

since the 8K was filed two weeks ago
embeds (circa 2009/2010) threw dirt daily to see what might stick .. nothing did
because embeds' lie like rugs .. and their BS was easily refuted
how is that *address* for the registered agent working out ..
bottom line is P2O (the company) has assets .. including actual P2O investors
vs those who play them on various SMBs ..
original NR entity in play since P2O was wrested back mid August 2013 has an
issue with P2O's first sale/funds' conveyed
crews' working the vehicle of choice for OTC stock manipulation .. could care less
about what P2O does (company) but will *wash trade* volume and work a stock up
NRs' first line in the sand (2013) imo is 30c .. the key for any crew is to front load without tipping their hand .. any volume on PTOI .. reveals all sorts of *stuff* including today's *efforts*
this isn't rocket science but it is math
curious to see what gets marked today re: DRS %s
my usual rule of thumb for retail vs non retail is 20/80
curious to see if that tips towards retail today .. and if PTOI's *volume* can be maintained for the balance of this week