The Air Quality Permit will be appealed. The Depa
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The Air Quality Permit will be appealed.
The Department would like to inform you that it has made a final licensing decision on Rosemont Copper Company's Air Quality Permit. Based upon comments received during public notice, the Department has made amendments to the permit and on January 31, 2013, issued Air Quality Permit #55223 for the construction and operation of the Rosemont Copper Project.
 The final permit document including the responsiveness summary to submitted comments can be viewed on ADEQ' Web site at . Copies of the final documents can be viewed at the ADEQ Phoenix Office located at 1110 W Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007, and at the ADEQ Southern Regional Office located at 400 West Congress Street, Suite 433, Tucson, Arizona 85701. You can also request hard copies of the final documents by contacting Balaji Vaidyanathan at (602) 771-4527 . Thank you for your participation in the permitting process.
 The decision to issue the air quality permit is an appealable agency action under A.R.S. § 41-1092. You may have a right to request a hearing and file an appeal under A.R.S. § 41-1092.03(B). You must file a written Request for Hearing or Notice of Appeal within 30 days of your receipt of this Notice. A Request for Hearing or Notice of Appeal is filed when it is received by ADEQ Hearing Administrator as follows:
Hearing Administrator
Office of Administrative Counsel
1110 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007
The Request for Hearing or Notice of Appeal shall identify the party, the partys address, the agency and the action being appealed and shall contain a concise statement of the reasons for the appeal. Upon proper filing of a Request for Hearing or Notice of Appeal, ADEQ will serve a Notice of Hearing on all parties to the appeal. If you file a timely Request for Hearing or Notice of Appeal you have a right to request an informal settlement conference with ADEQ under A.R.S. § 41-1092.06. This request must be made in writing no later than 20 days before a scheduled hearing and must be filed with the Hearing Administrator at the above address.