And was the company suppose to have a PR to announ
Post# of 7798

And was the company suppose to have a PR to announce they fired someone?
No, I didn’t say that.
But let’s see, he “allegedly” was responsible for the first major find in company history, using his tech according to a Facebook update. Kyle claimed the find PROVED his technology. An earlier filing said an agreement was reached to purchase rights to such a tech, and you CLAIMED (not the company) it was his tech. It seemed that was the case anyway, but the company never disclosed who it was.
All that said, I realize Kyle was quick to point out (over 6 weeks later) that SFRX had nothing to do with the mask as it didn’t belong to the company, but it was such a BIG DEAL they had a meet and greet with the mask and the tech taking center stage.
The stock price hit a multi-year high with Mr. Secret Weapon and the mask find hype. P&S certainly didn’t do that, though that prolly helped.
And now we see SeaSearcher being the latest gadget with no mention of the word proprietary. Why not? Did they reach an agreement to buy the Brooklyn Bridge with Indy? Did Kyle get suckered? Is that why you refer to Kyle as The Bridge? Was it all BS?
It’s not that they should have PR’d he was fired, but if this tech was all a bunch of BS, and he did something you claimed he should NOT get paid for, then I think instead of telling you via a phone call so you could play “Patsy” and slowly drip the rumor out, an update would have been appropriate and proper.
I posted that Kyle should give an update PIMP Tales, remember? Immediately after you first claimed he was FIRED.
I get the “the ends justifies the means” a fraudster like you would appreciate. We’ve certainly seen shareholders post all that really matters is the stock price rising, even if they’re were multiple versions of the story regarding the mask find and not all were accurate.
Who cares? I made money they said.
Of course you think it was fine Kyle filed FALSELY with the SEC that they had a RECOVERY permit, which carries a right to title.
Just a typo? Mom has passed as well. And she never had a basement.
You’re the one that’s clueless, one many levels.