Maybe everything is about to change. All plans are
Post# of 30028
What if Lympro gets Gates grant, MANF partners in RP in Europe (cough Mike Rea effect), and instead of becoming a partner in Coeptis, we become Coeptis.
Modi Obochi is then CEO of new company with Gerald on the board and still intimately involved in the company. Our shares get exchanged for Coeptis ownership. Coeptis IPOs big time, has major cash, revenue coming in from Kitov, Manf is partnered in one indication and on its way with some sort of Renishaw development soon to follow in 2020, Lympro recieves grant money and high level guidance from Gates, Elto kicks off 2b, rest of pipeline can proceed (including the charity project of cutanogen) and most of all, no more bullshit financing drowning our potential.