Riga, Latvia, 2019-01-16 09:12 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On 8 January 2019 ABLV Bank, AS in liquidation and Duet Group Limited (Duet) have entered into share purchase agreement to acquire 100% of the shares of ABLV Bank Luxembourg, S. A (the Bank).  

The acquisition is subject to the approval by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier and the European Central Bank and Duet intends to submit the formal request for the change of control in the coming weeks. Given Duet’s interest in the current services of the Bank and its willingness to expand its operation in the future, the parties are determined to complete the transaction as soon as possible.

As previously announced, on 10th October 2018, the Luxembourg Commercial Court (Tribunal d’arrondissement de Luxembourg siégeant en matière commerciale) extended the suspension-of-payments regime of the Bank for additional four months to allow sufficient time to conclude negotiations with potential investors. If necessary, another request to the Luxembourg Commercial Court for prolongation of the suspension-of-payments regime will be introduced in order to allow for all stakeholders to be protected while Duet’s acquisition is considered, with protection of existing depositors as the primary objective.

         Artūrs Eglītis          ABLV Group Communications Leader          Tel.: +371 6700 2454          e-mail: arturs.eglitis@ablv.com