Any contracts with the Govt. will have NDA's attached to it. Usually big biz also. Mark Kay is not going to blow it by tooting his horn on Twitter, Facebook or any other by being goaded by investers who are anxious to see the pps go up and MMs go down. He wants that too. But he will stay in compliance for the benifit of all..his company, associated biz BlockSafe ACS etc, employees , investors, friends and family, who all have money invested in SFOR including the millions he put in himself. We should applaud his restraint to brag. Mark will not take a bow before home plate.
"Build it and they will come" Quote from The Natural. SFOR is a home run and Mark Kay has run past third base to go on to home base. The score changes when he touches the base. Wait...wait for it. The anticipation makes it exciting. Cheer him on. Can't you see the crowd screaming out of their seats going crazy!!! Join us on the board with praise for the SFOR Baseball Team. They are about to win
The WORLD Series!!!