$PSGR After a careful review of share price sales
Post# of 1527

Share price has (ahem) bounced between $0.01/share and $0.02/share with a majority of sales near the $0.01 level. The approximate dollar amount for ALL of the sales MAY be close to reaching $3,000.00.
I have devoted minutes and minutes of less than intense research into the potential purchase by Pershing Resources of mining equipment. I now think I understand why there has been little to nothing completed at the mine site. Yep!!! The cost of a BURRO, 2 SHOVELS, 2 PICKS, a TEN GALLON COOLER for water, MINING HARD HATS and PROTECTIVE GLASSES, in addition to STEEL TOE WORK BOOTS FOR TWO has totally wrecked the budget!!! The stinkin' Burro alone must cost upwards of $500.00...then there's the feed and vet bills!!!! Shovels and picks are no longer cheap!!! Hell, all four of'em must have set Pershing Resources back another $100.00! I also think that the cost for the Hard Hats, Glasses and Steel Toe Work Boots must have added another $500.00 to the costs. Then there is the TENT, FOOD, BEVERAGES!!! WOW!!! We are already nearing $2,000.00! The final nail in the cost coffin is the TRAVEL EXPENSES and the SALARIES!!! What self respecting Miner would work for less than $30.00/hour! Yep, the Share Price Budget is Busted!!!
Maybe they need to start with a 3-legged burro (CHEAPER!!!) and ONE delusional individual who thinks that giving investors TWENTY PLUS YEARS of NOTHING will convince investors that he will turn a Hole-in-the-Ground into a Mega Dollar Gold Mine. Hmmmmmmm...I wonder who that person could be?