$PSGR (Taken from March 21, 2018 Pershing Resource
Post# of 1517
'At this point in the preparations of the report, it is anticipated that Phase 2 recommendations will include, but not limited to, an airborne and other geophysical surveys, geological mapping, additional geochemistry, and a diamond drilling program.'
'The work began in January of this year with the fieldwork completed in early February. The final Technical Report, which will include the exploration work, is expected to be available by April 30th.'
Until2017, are shareholders to wait, breathless in ANTICIPATION for the RECOMMENDATIONS?
Certainly, as children, we waited in ANTICIPATION for Christmas and Santa to bring that Pony...or Schwinn...or new car...or....
Even as children WE understand that ANTICIPATING something did not guaranty that the 'something' would appear.
For those shareholders who were in the Military or in the Corporate World or working in a Restaurant, RECOMMENDATIONS are pretty much the daily norm. The end result of the RECOMMENDATION may or MAY NOT occur. "I recommend that we not become involved in Iraq"; "I recommend we purchase controlling interest in XXX Company"; "I recommend the pickled beets".
Got'sta dissect each and every word in a Press Release. All, some, a few, or NONE of the actions may take place. Historically, IF the action ALLUDES to PRODUCTION of PRECIOUS METALS, NOTHING has occurred. IF the action involves PAYING an individual (competent consultant or knowledgeable employee???) to accomplish a PREDETERMINED agenda (take a survey, for example), the action can be completed with ZIP, ZERO, NADA POSITIVE results BUT can still be used to continue the dialog by stating that there are 'other' areas of interest that will require ADDITIONAL time to investigate.
NOTHING within the wording of the Press Release indicates that a goal has been established to continue or dismiss the ENTIRE project IF the initial 'studies' produce little or no positive results that will lead (guaranty!!!!!) to profitability. The latest Press Release MAY very well be another slight-of-hand. NOW, instead of the past WHAMMA JAMMA NEW AND ADVANCED (and untried & unproven) TECHNOLOGY, investors are faced with ANTICIPATION and RECOMMENDATIONS based upon surveys/studies accomplished for PAID Corporate interests. Certainly this is not suggesting collusion between/among any of the Parties BUT investors are not directly involved in the various activities and have no control over EITHER the RECOMMENDATIONS or the DETERMINATION of the RESULTS. What will be considered the START/STOP objectives of the field exploration/studies/surveys? WHAT IS THE GOAL?
WHO ultimately decides? APRIL 30
WHAT determines how the exploration/studies/surveys advance?
(Remember the MARCO PROJECT in Nevada...went from WOW to FORGOTTEN?) APRIL 30
WHERE will the DATA/PROJECT/RESEARCH SUMMARY be generated? April 30
WHY has the PHASE 1 portion of the NI 43-101 Study taken so long to complete??? Think, two plus years ago and Blackridge. April 30
HOW will all the information be CERTIFIED and DOCUMENTED (Agencies/Certified laboratory(ies)/competent people)? April 30
I am POSITIVE APRIL 30 will be an interesting date in the History of Pershing Resources.