The FDA made some very questionable decisions in t
Post# of 72444
And then, there's Dendreon. Despite great success with their personalized prostate cancer drug, and contradicting the recommendation of the scientific review committee, the FDA's final approval committee refused to approve it. As it turns out, a member of the committee was working on a rival drug, so he got DNDN's drug NOT approved. (And his drug ended up not working.)
So, who knows how many men died for lack of that drug. It took patients lobbying with their senators and representatives to get the drug approved. When the Senate announced that they were going to investigate why it hadn't been approved, magically the FDA decided it was worthy of approval after all.
But, despite thousands of complaints from consumers (reporting severe headaches after use), and studies that document that NutraSweet causes brain lesions, this incredibly dangerous artificial sweetener is still approved for sale in this country. There are several drugs that have been banned in Europe because they are deemed dangerous, yet they are allowed to be sold here. And, there are drugs which are approved for use in Europe, and which have documented efficacy, but the FDA refuses to approve them here.
This is an agency that needs a complete overhaul, with good scientists and physicians hired to run it free of political considerations.