JSC “HansaMatrix” draft resolutions of the Ann
Post# of 301275

Ogre, 2017-04-12 08:21 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Meeting place and time:
April 27, 2017 at 10.00 am, at JSC “HansaMatrix” premise meeting room located at Akmeņu iela 72, Ogre, LV5001, LATVIA.
- Approval of report of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Council;
Draft resolution: to approve report of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Council on results of Financial year 2016
- Approval of the annual report for the financial year 2016 and release the Board of Directors from responsibility for financial year 2016;
Draft resolution: to approve the Audited Consolidated Annual Report of JSC "HansaMatrix" Group and Parent Company for financial year 2016 and to release the Management Board from responsibility for financial year 2016;
- Taking a decision regarding distribution of financial year 2016 profit;
Draft resolution:
- to distribute dividends at the amount of EUR 54 881.43 (fifty four thousand eight hundred eighty one euro and 43/100) or EUR 0.03 per share to shareholders;
- to set May 18, 2017, as a record date for dividends and May 25, 2017, as a date of payment of dividends;
- Appointment of the auditor for the financial year 2017 and determination of reward for the auditor.
Draft resolution:
- to elect SIA “Ernst & Young Baltic” (Reg.No. 40003593454) to be the certified auditor of JSC “HansaMatrix” in 2017;
- To set EUR 22 389. – (twenty two thousand three hundred eighty nine euros 00 cents) as the total remuneration of certified auditor for 2017;
- Revocation of existing and Election of a new Council members.
Draft resolution:
- to revoke current Council members:
- Jānis Skutelis
- Krišs Osmanis
- Andris Bērziņš
- Ingrīda Blūma
- Māris Rambaks
- to elect new Council members:
- Jānis Skutelis
- Krišs Osmanis
- Andris Bērziņš
- Ingrīda Blūma
- Gundars Strautmanis
- To set EUR 48 000. – (forty eight thousand euros 00 cents) as the total remuneration budget for Council for 2017;
- Assignment of Audit committee function to a new Council.
Draft resolution: to assign of Audit committee function to supervising institution – Council;
Investor and media contact:
Zanda Lapāne Assistant to the CEO Phone: (+371) 6780 0002 e-mail: invest@hansamatrix.com
About AS HansaMatrix
HansaMatrix is a fast-growing, high-technology company offering product design, industrialization and complete manufacturing services in data networking, Internet of Things, industrial segments and other services to high added value business segments. In addition to complete manufacturing services of OEM products, the company offers an ODM business model to both start-up and established companies that seek product development partnerships