I didnt see his posts - thanks for pointing them o
Post# of 22940
Some of it was hypothetical - all forward looking scenarios are. However, the dilution trend is not and will continue to accelerate as the price continues to decline. If/when buyback is "triggered" that will mitigate further dilution.OS was supposed to be substantially reduced in 2016 per 2015 plan and was reducing (even if converted from common to preferred) end of 2015 and start of 2016 prior to reconstruction. It has more than doubled since and hasnt slowed. Point being - we have been presented this plan before. We still havent started and revenues in earnest that have been reported. We are facing more dilution until we get to the point of self sustaining. Is that another quarter or another year?
Since Bill has posted on here - maybe he can address some of those short term concerns. For those that have been invested several years and been patient through the highs and lows and dealt with the attacks from IR - be nice to see strong conviction in when revenues will really begin and/or if BTL SLA will definitively happen end of 1Q17 /beginning of 2Q17 and when buyback starts via MRVB to prevent runaway dilution.
Saving money is positive. Unlimited AS isnt. Correcting past errors and discussing them is positive. Missing a much pushed lofty PPS target with no explanations isnt. While I appreciate Muse and TPAC being separate entities - the disconnect between the messaging between the two remains a hurdle.