Compass Lexecon and FTI Consulting Professionals H
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WASHINGTON, Dec. 07, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN ) today announced that three professionals from FTI Consulting and its subsidiary Compass Lexecon have been named to Global Competition Review ’s Women in Antitrust 2016: Economists list.
The firm had three of the 10 economists on the 2016 list, the most of any firm recognized. The professionals include Compass Lexecon’s Mary Coleman , an Executive Vice President based in Boston, and Kirsten Edwards-Warren , an Executive Vice President based in London, as well as FTI Consulting’s Margaret Guerin-Calvert , a Senior Managing Director and President of the Center for Healthcare Economics and Policy based in Washington, D.C., and a Senior Consultant for Compass Lexecon.
Dr. Coleman specializes in the competitive analysis of mergers and acquisitions and joint ventures, and antitrust litigation, including class action certification issues. Dr. Coleman was the Deputy Director for Antitrust in the Bureau of Economics of the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”), where she led the antitrust group in the Bureau of Economics and was involved in all antitrust investigations at the FTC, as well as several non-enforcement projects. During her tenure at the FTC, Dr. Coleman was instrumental in the efforts of the Bureau of Economics to increase the empirical content of antitrust investigations at the FTC and to foster cooperation between the economic and legal staffs. Dr. Coleman also served as a staff economist at the FTC. Dr. Coleman was named as one of Who’s Who Legal’s Competition Economists in 2016.
Ms. Edwards-Warren has extensive experience in mergers, having worked on more than 50 cases investigated by the UK and European authorities. In addition, she has advised on market studies, consumer cases and competition enforcement cases investigating tying and bundling, excessive pricing, predation, exclusive dealing, retroactive rebates, refusals to supply, vertical restraints and cartels. Ms. Edwards-Warren served as the Director of Economics at both the UK’s Office of Fair Trading and at the Competition Commission. She was named one of Who’s Who Legal’s Competition Economists in 2016, and also featured in the Global Competition Review’s Women in Antitrust Survey in 2013.
Ms. Guerin-Calvert also previously served as Compass Lexecon’s President and Vice Chairman. She is widely recognized for her economic and healthcare expertise on merger and non-merger matters involving federal and international antitrust agencies and in litigation, including class certification and damages, with testifying experience in many countries. Ms. Guerin-Calvert was Assistant Chief of the Economic Regulatory Section at the U.S. Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division, where she supervised economists on a wide range of healthcare and regulated industry matters, and was a Federal Reserve Board Economist. She was named as one of Who’s Who Legal’s Competition Economists in 2016, and profiled in Global Competition Review’s 2004 and 2009 Women in Antitrust.
“GCR’s selection of these three economists from Compass Lexecon is particularly satisfying given our ongoing efforts to recruit and retain highly qualified women, who are underrepresented in the field of economics. We commend their strong leadership and expert roles in economics. We believe that our work — and work environment — benefit from diverse viewpoints,” said Jonathan Orszag , a Senior Managing Director with Compass Lexecon. “Mary, Kirsten and Meg, as well as many women on our team, not only contribute to our rigorous standards, but also are important mentors and models for other economists — both women and men — at Compass Lexecon.”
About FTI Consulting FTI Consulting, Inc. is a global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organizations manage change, mitigate risk and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political & regulatory, reputational and transactional. With more than 4,600 employees located in 29 countries, FTI Consulting professionals work closely with clients to anticipate, illuminate and overcome complex business challenges and make the most of opportunities. The Company generated $1.78 billion in revenues during fiscal year 2015. For more information, visit and connect with us on Twitter (@FTIConsulting) , Facebook and LinkedIn .
FTI Consulting, Inc. 1101 K Street NW Washington, DC 20005 +1.202.312.9100 Investor Contact: Mollie Hawkes +1.617.747.1791 Media Contact: Matthew Bashalany +1.617.897.1545