The First 100 Days: Future of ObamaCare and Trump'
Post# of 51174
Rich Edson kicked off a new 15-part series on "Special Report" that will focus on the first 100 days of the Trump administration.
Tonight, Edson took a look at ObamaCare and at President-elect Donald Trump's plan to repeal and replace it.
Edson spoke with small-business owner Chris Schweppe and his young family.
The Schweppes said ObamaCare's subsidies and tax credits are not enough to help cover the burgeoning overall costs of their coverage.
Trump's nominee for secretary of health and human services, Rep. Dr. Tom Price (R-Ga.) has helped craft a number of ObamaCare replacements and alternatives.
Allowing citizens to receive age-based tax subsidies rather than requiring them to purchase insurance on Healthcare.Gov is a hallmark of Price's plans, Edson reported.
With 20 million Americans expected to be affected by any repeal or replacement of ObamaCare, experts have said that the Trump administration will need to carefully craft their policy or policies.
But, Trump told the Wall Street Journal that there were a few parts of President Obama's signature law of which he approved.
Watch the full report above and tune in weeknights at 6:00pm ET on "Special Report," as Fox News correspondents take a closer look at the platform of President-elect Donald Trump and the impact of his potential policy changes.