You really need to read the court documents on the
Post# of 15187
It is in the court documents - PLN made a second request for documents - and a second request for interrogatories during discovery.
Quote:Apparently you were commenting without reading or understanding the court filing.
On 06/17/2015 PLN filed the following:
This is to certify that on June 17, 2015, I served upon opposing counsel a copy of Plaintiff Private Label Nutraceuticals LLC’s Second Request for Production of Documents and Things to Defendants Hangover Joe’s Holding Corporation and Hangover Joe’s Inc.; Plaintiff Private Label Nutraceuticals LLC’s Second Continuing Interrogatories to Defendants Hangover Joe’s Holding Corporation and Hangover Joe’s Inc.; and Plaintiff Private Label Nutraceuticals LLC’s First Request for Admissions to Defendants Hangover Joe’s Holding Corporation and Hangover Joe’s Inc. by e-mail to all counsel of record."
Quote:ASs usual I am right once again about all things HJOE!
You state. "" the PLN case HJOE failed to deliver the requested documents during discovery.
This statement says a lot about you. You cannot fail to provide discovery materials. Apposing party would file a motion to compel discovery, in addition there would be attorneys fees involved for time in preparing motion. Your statement tells me you don't know much about these issues, or you are making this up, or you are just incredibly stupid. I'm betting on the latter