Hey, that's a novel idea. Since this is apparently
Post# of 7798

If any shareholder or the company provides proof of the 4 items I mentioned I am willing to leave Craig Huffman 's criminal conduct concerning another issuer off both this board as well as the Ihub board.
The company ONLY doesn't have to provide proof, any shareholder can. In fact ANYONE can show proof, and I will promptly post corrections, and never bring up Huffman in a negative light again.
This information is readily available, right?
Show me the 80/20 agreement in the permit.
Show me the mention of 3 items in the issued permit.
Show me published information about the coins and the Captains wife as stated in the court filings. It could even be in a research design presented before the September 2014 date on the court filing.
In fact I will never post again if such proof of those 4 things are provided. Plus I will post corrections and an apology.
And I will be sure and tell any future Court of this offer. It ends at 5 pm this Thursday.
"Alleged" phone calls are not sufficient, and wouldn't be in a legal proceeding.
I look forward to seeing proof.