Hello everyone, I think most of us here are in th
Post# of 17650

I think most of us here are in the same boat...or at least a similar boat.
We invested in DUTV because we saw potential for it to be a successful player in the IPTV world. I still hold out hope for that result. But the complete silence for almost a full year now has me worried.
The share price reflects the market’s opinion. Lack of news = no reason for potential new buyers to purchase shares = extremely low share price.
I continue to appreciate the optimism expressed by many of you and hope our wishes come true.
But equally important: I believe freedom is one of the most important things in life. Right up there with health, family and friends.
I do not understand why this board is suppressing freedom of speech. I completely support deleting posts that are rude, ignorant, off topic, or overly negative. But I notice that a bunch of posts from 1 specific poster have been deleted lately that in my opinion should not have been deleted.
I know some of you believe Mrkt-Nu-B is nothing but a basher. And I also know that he and our good friend Rick did not see eye to eye. But that does not mean all his posts should be deleted.
Yes, his general tone has been negative. But he is not rude. He does not call Mr McHenry names. He does not post false information.
He asks questions and points out concerns. And he has every right to do that. There are huge concerns when a company is absolutely silent for a year and the share price plummets.
With a share price of .0001, there is obviously reason for anyone to be critical of this company.
This is one of his posts from yesterday. Why was it deleted?
"Hi Judge,
77.51 million shares traded yesterday leaving DUTV at a no bid share price of .0001.
Still no word from Garry, nor has there been any sign of DUTV in the IP Marketplace anywhere. "
He was answering a question I posted. Completely on topic and true.
I desperately want DUTV to succeed. It has cost me money to continue to believe. My level of confidence is way down, but I continue to hold every share Ive purchased.
Over the years, many of you have come to feel like friends even though we haven't met.
But I really believe we should leave both negative and positive posts on the board and only delete the truly obnoxious / completely negative posts.
Come on G Mac, speak up and let us know what is happening with this company.
All the best to everyone invested here.