Wrong about me having anything to do with meows bo
Post# of 2009
Quote:OK, if you say so. But why didn't you ask admin to have you removed as an assistant mod ?
Wrong about me having anything to do with meows board. PP put me as assistant even though I said i really have no interest in being one. I have zero interst in doing any mod position at all. I do think the cat guy is a bizzare person and a little naive when it comes to pink sheets, but who wasnt when they 1st statrted
Or is PP admin ?? Wouldn't be surprised.
And meow, well, he is what he is. Not the meanest cat though. Very upset by his loss so far. Can't blame him. But to take over his board was a bridge too far.
I remember Interstellar, and remember that the exclusive 4K distribution deal ends this month. I hope it was worth the money.
As for the WIP on UF, I don't think it was deliberate. Why would they put a Shield audio test on UF, or why where there be two big buck
bunny thumbnails, or why was Interstellar in some kind of testing version ?