Hello, bamfactster: Well, I pretty much have absol
Post# of 14350
His WORDS/PROMISES, just seem to have no veracity to them anymore. But I shall keep on hoping that the one or 2 ''eye witnesses'' & contacts to him, that I have: I simply believe them to be VERY CREDIBLE & HONEST, TRUTHFUL EYE ''WITNESSES''! And so, I am now finally, after all of this time, having to rely & depend completely on their PERSONAL TESTIMONY to me, that Jeff Reid is still to be believed in, and that he is truly working very hard to accomplish all of this BS, and it has cost him ''beaucoups d'argent'', & that without any doubt, etc. So, that is all that I have, anymore. I just hope & pray that it finally happens, and that we all win & get blessed, not just Jeff Reid & whoever else. And I still believe with all my heart, that the SEC & the the MM's are the main & only reasons why he has been hindered every step of the way! And how that they all could give a dam about any of us common share holders, for they are all just a bunch of cold-blooded, mercenary, avaricious, nefarious, greedy B'tards & Biactches, who all they want to do is win, as THE EVIL POWERS OF DARKNESS & SIN THAT THEY ALL ARE! IMHO! Well, that turned out to be a good VENTING, didn't it! That post would NEVER be allowed on the KMAG liehub forum, as you all well know, for ''they'' are all a part of it, too, because of their aiding & abetting the huge shorting interests, like KNIGHT CAPITAL & THE OTHERS, ETC. selah MAY GOD BLESS ALL OF THE KMAG INVESTORS, AS ALSO JEFF REID & HIS LAWYERS & BUSINESS ASSOCIATES, ETC, IS MY PETITION TO THE LORD! For as it says on a small claims court questionaire: ''state your case, then pray for victory with the judge.'' Well, that is exactly what we all need to do, but only WITH THE MOST SUPREME & HIGHEST GOOD JUDGE THAT THERE IS! I hope that you all will so do, for we are not going to win any other way, for the powers of darkness & evil are simply too rich & too big to fight against without some DIVINE INTERVENTION & HELP! I hope that you all realize how much it grieves me & has been grieving me to write this, starting mainly since the AUGUST, 2014 DEBACLE, THEN THE FEBRUARY 26TH, NYC, 2015, DEBACLE, AND NOW HIS, JEFF REID'S LAST DEBACLE, that has been going on since mid-March, 2015. GBUA! Is my earnest hope & prayer! PLEASE! do likewise! & GOD BLESS YOU!