Mr. Brad Dautremont....GESI/DCE CEO.... IF you
Post# of 136

Mr. Brad Dautremont....GESI/DCE CEO....
IF you or any of your team happen to read this board...or run across a email...or phone call I have placed to you....I request you to contact me at your earliest convience....
I have in my possession documentation I am certain you will find valuable and useful to you...
I know some of it is very valuable and useful to me in my endeavor to put facts and truth in the open for all to see.....and I am also quite sure your mine....would be interested in this information...
Thanks for your time...I look forward to speaking to you...or your representative at your earliest opportunity....
In the meantime...please continue what you are doing to make GESI/DCE a real viable company so all investors/traders...and longs will have the opportunity to profit from your hard work....
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