Apparently it needs to be spelled out. The questi
Post# of 17650
How did he create this environment of uncertianty surrounding DUTV? By
1) Affirming via a PR that the Twitter account was the official information outlet for investors.
2) Allowing false/fraudulent statements to be issued from their Twitter account
3) Never publically stating that the Twitter account should no longer be viewed as an information source for DUTV.
4) Never clarifiy which Tweets were valid and which weren't
If you think this environment of uncertainty doesn't exist have a gander at the PPS.
If this failure to clear up this issue does not cause one concern as an investor and especially a shareholder of DUTV then that speaks volumes to me, VOLUMES!!
As far as my fear of reprecussions from McHenry or his accountant, I don't have any. The onus is on them to produce evidence that their statements are true. Currently, as a citizen of these fine United states of America, I have the right to freedom of speech.
As far as why I remain in DUTV, I have answered this so many times here and elsewhere that the fact the some folks refuse to acknowledge it also speaks VOLUMES.
I guess I'm surprised that folks aren't as vehement about getting pertinent information from Garry as they are about trying to cast apsersions at my valid concerns.