ICPA crew Steve is 100% correct in this statement "Hi Point was not built for us. We never said that. Its been there for 50 years. We work with them when they film movies covering them and in turn can use the studio without cost to us. It was not built by CCO, we never said that." as I posted yesterday I when by an toured HI Point studios with the administrator.. I simple said I was intersted in a tour and that it and we tour it.. There was a shoot going on as they do everyday, and I have seen were many of the show you would not even realize that was filmed there! The conversation we had proofs 100% that everything Steve has said and I will leave it at that. The studio has been there over 40 years and is fully functional!! Give Steve a break guys he is being 100% honest with you, this was confirm with my conversation yesterday.. The fact are out there about our company you just have to be willing to dig.. ICPA strong here!