It'll take more than a symbolic appearance from Kevin Allyn (who?) to restore confidence. His word hasn't been reliable. Seems he's part of the sales team and will say what it takes to tease the hopes of trusting BBio fans. Here's a reasonable wish list: I'd like to hear publicly from the only member of the management team with "reputation risk" Exec VP Jeff Benz about the growing pains, perception problems, how exactly this audit is going to be on time. Also I'd like to hear about the initial contracts that intrigued SK's earliest longs, if SK has a bank account, and why or why not that initial revenue will ever be collected. Also I'd like to learn more about this $150mil in iEquity financing and why a 60% ownership group with such financial backing sees it appropriate to have a virtual office shoe-string operation. I'd like to learn more about the respective boards of these companies. Early on we were able to understand the silence because at the time we were in fact pioneers. Now we are only in the game. The silence and all the obvious challenges are a major barrier now. Communication these days is too easy and to instantaneous for people to buy into a company that communicatates via press release. We need the genuine voice of someone with skin in the game to communicate early and often via social media. We need a social media intern since that would be free. Why invest in a marketing person anyway? It's not like your billing tens of millions of dollars or anything... These are not new concerns by any stretch of the imagination.