Dr. Evgeni Husid, i was not aware of operational business minimums by proof until MIHL encountered such a matter with OTC and their requirements of 2 years of financials. Given the situation i am very curious as to understanding time restrictions due to the period of company ownership. Its a fact, if MIHL even gets 10 million in funding this is worth .10+ a share and thats just from hard core numbers alone. ten cents is first uplist to OTCQB meaning 100 million in funding alone wod set us at 5-10x that based on market conditions. we are talking 7-8 times that number... Assuming that time frame, MIHL would publicly be conducting its business on OTC Pink Current information trading between .50 and 3.00+ a share. Is that really what has to happen for the stock for atleast a 12 month period?