Company Awareness Initiatives - Might be worth a s
Post# of 3844
Company Awareness Initiatives - Might be worth a sticky?
#1. Create a unique reason for people other than current share holders to have interest in EWSI via social media. Perhaps GoEz should be offering deals to people who are subscribed and recycle through EWSI's new USA locations?
#2. Broaden the investor pool - 500,000 total volume days need to be a thing of a the past. If were on the OTC low volume only makes matters worse in terms of manipulation and a wider investment pool will keep volume consistently up. Perhaps a mild awareness campaign to go along with the yearly audited financials is in order?
#3. Show true shareholder appreciation / transparency by allowing shareholders with credentials to visit the facilities and publish an update on the progress and future plans of the facilities. (I have contacted Susan about this, we are targeting me visiting the Ohio location in March for now)
#4. Conference Call - target 2 times per year? Not sure when it would be most prudent but it seems like December would be a great time with how many tickers go red for tax purposes?
#5. Company Blog - Someone should be writing about SOMETHING interesting EWSI is doing every week. I know it seems like overkill but it goes a long way for young investors to see high tech updated blogs with interesting things like facts about ton's processed, why the Mediterranean is a prime shipping hub, how New York and Ohio can connect them to 90% of the USA.. Ect.. I could literally write these articles myself from my house, it wouldn't take that much time.
Those are my top 5.