I can't believe Al did not call me so I could star on his show!! And Steve... How dare you act in the best interest of your company and your shareholders?! How dare you improvise and make the best out of the cards you were dealt?! Lol. You know, I sit quietly and read the boards on here and Facebook. I don't visit Ilie hub but it seems everyone knows how to run this company except you... No matter what you do. Months ago people were saying Steve don't tell us anything they are using it against us!!! You're being too open about what's going on! Now it's, Steve tell us what's going on! Why are you hiding what's happening from investors?! Lol... It's humorous when you look back and reflect. Yet you Steve continue to try to find the medium every day and satisfy both kinds of critics. There are many that have faith in what you're doing and believe that you will be successful. Keep daring to be different and keep up the good work Steve. For those of you that can't seem to find happiness and peace about what's going on, find it in yourselves first. Seek out the truth on your own and make your own decisions on what you want to do. Let Steve and his crew do their jobs. This is all just my feeble thoughts and opinions. Take care Mr. Samblis and keep up the good work man!!! We appreciate all you do! GO ICPA!!!