RMC, Thanks for your response. I too, would like to see all the speculating, divisiveness, and games stop. First, in regard to the "unethical" email that was sent around, I have it on very good authority that Art had emailed Dale asking why he left SNEY and explaining that he invested in the company because of Dale, Bryan and the Allied guys...so clearly he was concerned when he heard the Allied guys, including Beckman, were leaving SNEY. Parent told Dale to answer the investor truthfully, which he did. The only error was that he said there was an LOI, which in fact had expired July 24th. And you are correct "said news should have come to us from SNEY via PR following business protocol, ...which it didn't, it has created confusion." Had a timely PR come out from the company this wouldn't have ever been an issue. The SP has dropped considerably because of the ensuing "tug of war" and taking of sides - which clearly needs to stop for the benefit of all shareholders. It's very telling that the PPS has taken a dive despite all the good news for SNEY regarding current financials. Your statement that the "unnecessary tug-of-war between AMS/Tantalus group and SNEY" is not good for PPS is again correct and the ensuing fiasco is unnecessary.
Next, the Allied guys took the initiative to start Tantalus Resources as a first step in the process of mine to market, primarily for SNEY, in which they are all heavily invested, but also to create a standalone company for future groundstaking, etc. Tantalus was able to fund the Hazen report, which will benefit SNEY as well. This divisiveness being spewed on the boards is creating havoc with the SP, when there was no divisive intent from either party, but that's what happens when there is a serious lack of communication between the company and its shareholders - any piece of information garnered from any source can send the share price into the toilet.
Tantalus has the resources, contacts, and expertise to make SNEY's endeavor successful in the near term, but will go forward either way. Both companies will prosper regardless of a JV, however it would be beneficial to both if a JV could be achieved.
Finally, the Allied guys have too much at stake to deliberately create chaos at SNEY. They left SNEY on their own volition to start something that would benefit SNEY, not create drama. The boards have gone beserk with rumors of murder and infighting, which are all very intersting and would make a great movie - but fortunately, are all untrue. The bottom line is that everyone who is invested in SNEY wants it to succeed...and ESPECIALLY the original Allied group who have years of blood, sweat, and toil into SNEYs success. I think we're all on the same page despite the "confusion" being generated. It would just be better for all, and the SP, if the blame game would stop.