Scary post....but it doesn't make too much sense.
"You lied to my sister-in-law last May, telling her that you would be flying by last September 2011." - the year is off. Last May would be 2012. Now clearly the author is referring to May 2011, otherwise the "lie" doesn't make sense...that May 2012 you can't say we will be flying by September 2011.
Therefore.....this problem the gentleman has is well over a year old, and thus....
"and it will be months if not years before Baltia will be flying" - now, as to when the FAA allegedly made this statement, I cannot be sure...but...."months....before Baltia will be flying"....hmmmmm...if the FAA said that a year ago I could only wish that that part of the statement was true right now. I am still counting on revenue flights before the end of the year....although every day that possibility gets slimmer and slimmer. Given another couple of weeks in this "holding pattern" and the chances of that happening will be nil.
My thoughts....if we don't at least get positive word....that is...the FAA stating that they are setting up a meeting date to pass us through Gate One.....within the next 3 weeks......well, I personally might just become as cynical as the dawg.........................
Let's just hope we are in the final stages and something good comes our way by September 15th...........