I absolutely agree with you about us going up steadily over the next two months hurtszz. We have so many great things going for us right now. It is going to be a fun ride.
But referring to your other comments, many more than 6 will have mmj on there ballot in november. I think the number is 16 or 17, with that many other states having some type of mmj law in effect already.
Also, Colorado has mmj already (probably the most lenient in the country), but they are actually voting to legalize marijuana in small amounts for everybody & regulate it like alcohol. Polls are showing a large % in favor of passing it. (I saw an article stating 55% in favor 39% against & 6% undecided)
And Washington & Oregon also have marijuana legalization in small amounts on their nov ballot as well, but it is much less likely to pass. And some local elections, like Detroit, are also putting it on their ballots too.
Please correct me if I am wrong gang, as my memory is the second shortest thing I have, but I believe these are numbers correct, or close at least.
AIMHO, as kels likes to say,