Oh.. Ok.. i got it yesterday.. i saw bohdi's post said he got tips and email from janet.. on ihub.. maybe he was referring to yesterday... was posted today I though. I had a few times i didnt get and Steeler emailed.. thought we got one today. Just a little frustrated w/ MMG .. with the antics this am. no biggie! long day in field today.. haha. I truly think, as a minimum, financials will come out next week. It seemd like we had some nice MOMO and interest going.. lots of posters and investors waiting to get in... MMG s comments about plenty of PRs to follow and Promo... I guess we just have to wait on EVDR.. i am sure this will all get going shortly. Yield sign frustrated me as well. go to all that trouble to get back on track. lol... one step forward two back. Check in over weekend.. this stock will have its day soon. Did yield sign come out after close? anyone know?