When facts and information are posted one is never afraid of threats. There are already over 20 GDSM bashers including 3 GDSM mods on the SIRG board over there. It has been under attack since GDSM dropped off the cliff the end of Feb. Now GDSM is on their 6th mine in yet another deal with WSRA. After failing to progress to production on the five previous mines - how much hope is there for the sixth adventure?
And that mine will never be in production in 90 days. Check out how the Silver Cord mine deal with GEAR turned out - Sept. 29, 2011 they touted "immediate" and now over 10 months later nothing, nada, zero, zilch, etc. That PR sent GEAR up to .18 and recently it also took a cliff dive.
WSRA has failed to bring any mine into production, even the Gold Basin that is fully permitted with over a million dollars of infrastructure in place. Ready to rock and roll.
There is NO PROCESSING facility at the Azurite. Maybe they might try to truck the dumps or tailings from the property to some other processing facility elsewhere. It wouldn’t get them out of the permitting, and it wouldn’t work from an economic sense, but it might sound good to investors. But in re-reading the last PR, they talk about fixing up the on-site processing structure, so it sounds like they want to process on-site. That instantly puts them into the ADEQ APP program, and they are doomed. It will take them a minimum of six months to two years to get an APP. Private land or not, the rules are the same.
Here are some links for you.
You need to obtain an Aquifer Protection Permit, or APP, if you own or operate a facility that discharges a pollutant either directly to an aquifer or to the land surface or the vadose zone (the area between an aquifer and the land surface) in such a manner that there is a reasonable probability that the pollutant will reach an aquifer.
- See A.R.S. § 49-201(12) for statutory definition of discharge
- A.R.S. §§ 49-241 through 49-252, and A.A.C. R18-9-101 through R18-9-403 for statutes and rules related to APP
The following facilities are considered to be "discharging" and require permits, unless exempted, or the director determines that the facility will be designed, constructed and operated so there will be no migration of pollutants directly to the aquifer or to the vadose zone:
- Surface impoundments, pits, ponds, and lagoons
- Solid waste disposal facilities, except for mining overburden and wall rock that has not been subject to mine leaching operations
- Injection wells
- Land treatment facilities
- Facilities adding pollutants to a salt dome, salt beds, or salt formations, drywells, underground caves, or mines
- Mine tailings piles and ponds
- Mine leaching operations
- Septic tank systems
- Underground water storage facilities (if wastewater-effluent is used)
- Sewage or wastewater treatment facilities
- Wetlands designed and constructed to treat municipal and domestic wastewater for underground storage