I would hope that they would turn their attention to the claim that can be placed into production the quickest, so that they can turn GDSM into a profitable company. That seems to be the Azurite claim at this time. At this time we still don't have all of the information available on the Azurite/Lower Davis Dunkirk Mine. We only have the single report without the data from the mapping and sampling. I'm sure this information will be released in due time. Here is the report on the Azurite claim, also known as the Lower Davis Dunkirk Mine.
There is enough bickering and feuding on the other investment site. I came to this site to get away from that, but if people want to bring that to this site, I can easily copy some of the negative posts from their boards and post them to the SIRG board. The information they provide seems solid. This goes both ways my friend.