AGDY Daily Chart ~ Solid Close at a New Multi Year High
Slow and steady from our .006/.008s to close at .0448 today. The chart is looking good! With rumors of a strong oil R/M, AGDY continues to move higher. A look at the volume bars of the last week appear to support that news is close. With approx 7 mil in the float, AGDY has been a tough on to accumulate on the cheap when we first began. Congrats to my friend, Ken, who nailed the .007s with me a couple of months ago. Everyone else buying from the .01s and up should be very happy now. Coming from Skull and Crossbones to Pinksheet Current, management is taking care of business. A R/M on the heels of getting current, should take AGDT into the teens or maybe even into the .20s over the next few weeks. GLTA