a typical misrepresentaton by a imo paid basher "and they could only come up with 23 thousand tons of other inventory, too funny." and then he says there was no other inventory
the ship could only hold ca 70000 tons so w the 45000 tons ore already at port thats about all that could fit-credibility anybody????
also CWRN is already a producing mine w scores of millions inventory-200,000 tons fert/sinter alone worth ca 40 million alone
and conservatively should have more regular ore than that, and a lot of equipment and established relationships-so its idiotic to compare cwrn w a would be start up mine that would take 3 years to get online
and established juniors usually have lower costs than the big boys as explained many times and shown many times from the independent articles chart w a median price of ca 12-13/ton cost of production (add trucking and shipping as part of total all in cost)