All this talk of selling shares and other companies, how dare you guys try to make money!
Bottom line is everyone on this or any message board come from all different walks of life and have different investment outlooks and financial situations. What works for one may not work for another. I respect all investors whether they are a true dedicated long like me, or a trader that brings liquidity to the stock.
Of course at times i get frustrated when bashers come and try to rehash tired or plain false arguments in an attempt to scare shares from uncertain holders, but in the end we are all responsible for our own investment decisions and should take everything posted on a web forum with a dose of skepticism, and perform our own DD to have the confidence to proceed with whatever our investment strategy may be. Everyone has opinions, its up to us as to what we listen to or filter out as we evolve on our own outlooks.
With that said, I can say I haven't touched a single of my CTIX shares since I bought in over a year ago. I am not a saavy trader (congrats to those who are, plenty to be made there) and for me I like the simplicity of sticking with a company and science i firmly believe in.
Of course, it was hard watching one of my other favorites absolutely rocket yesterday (IPCI), I feel like a wussy that keeps missing out on chances to jump out and make money elsewhere to come back and grow my CTIX further. But I don't beat myself up over it, as I had the same thoughts about CLSN pre-TDox, and to me piling risk on top of risk in a volatile sector is just not worth it.
I know if I just sit tight on my good sized position that I have with CTIX, the rewards will be immense and sizable enough that I just can't justify needing to sell or try to trade around with other stocks as I wait for growth here - i am patient. But again, I respect all strategies, as long as folks are open to respectable discussion and not just blind bashing of each other. Just IMO!