Big Jeff
Once I make a killing on CTIX and others and am looking for a safe investment, I have NAK (Northern Dynasty Minerals) in my sight. Can't invest until Obama out of office and a govt is put in place that believes in reality over the rights of animals and questionable environmental concerns.
NAK 50% owner of Pebble Deposit in Alaska and is considered by the US Geo. Svc. as the world's most extensive mineralized system. Current resources 55B lbs of copper, 67MM oz gold, and 3.3B lbs of molybdenum with an additional inferred resources of 26B lbs copper, 40MM oz gold, and 2.3B lbs moly. The minerals are there, it is in a geographic barren wasteland, but the waters do drain into Bristol Bay which is a major salmon spawning area. The gold alone would pay for the entire operations for the mine, leaving the copper and moly as pure profit, 100%.
Would not even think of investing until they get the govt OK to build the mine and that may take another 5-8 years as the environmental BS has only been going on about 13 years. One day the US govt will realize they need these precious minerals more than a few Indian burial grounds or some arctic mouse or such. Til then, strictly a watcher. But if they get the OK, a guaranteed success.