Folks the company will let us know just as soon as they can if there is commercial oil in the SJ#3. And that of course is also when the GOB gives their consent of approval for the PR that Treaty's IR publishes. So hold on. We have waited a lot longer for things to happen before with this company. Are they behind schedule? Yep. At least a week by my records, but being critical doesn't change a thing. Operations are just that, operations. No matter how anxious we as investors are, operations continue as they can, and with what they have. Suppose they are waiting for some part, or equipment, or more mud, or possibly a contractor for perfing, or whatever? We don't get a daily Treaty News Gazette that tells exactly what is going on hour to hour, nor even day to day, and sometimes not even week to week. Perhaps a billion dollar company has that pleasure and capability, but Treaty's time and capital must always be spent for the most proficient opportunity to produce revenue. For all we know, they may have everything working in place and just may be having a hard time getting a GOB rep to go out to the field and review the situation and give a HIHO! On the other hand, they could be having a problem with rain holding up a truck that carries equipment needed for completion. That happens in the tropics, especially during the rainy season, and the rainy season is between May and September down in Belize. And they do get plenty of it. Or something could have popped up when cleaning the well of water and sand, etc. Who knows? But you can bet one thing. Treaty will continue to make the SJ#3 a successful well. And I'm guessing there may be more news coming this week. So kick back and Get Ready!