Oh I see, so when you make a mistake its an honest one and totally irrelevant?! LOL
You know very well what you are doing, and select your words deliberate fitting your own agenda... In multiple posts on several websites you clearly, and undisputedly accuse the company with very strong wordings, yet when confronted with it you scratch back like a chicken and say
"I used the wrong term in a sentence or two" TOO FUNNY!
You use the wrong terms because you don't know what you're talking about, as usual!
Here you go again making false allegations, drawing the wrong conclusions and distorting anything you can to save yourself. Why? Because that is what cowards do...
"The issue was related to the DTC & temporarily being ineligible for trading"
"which is exactly what I said and you could not possibly have missed that! Apparently you overlook it because it conflicts with your agenda."
I didn't miss it, it was an introduction for the sentence that followed, yet you accuse me of it! My agenda is clear, long on OPL & correcting BS when I see it! Speaking of which:
"in 2011 there was no American market for those shares"
"Completely wrong. The volume then was about the same as it is currently. And there is a huge different between low liquidity (which people knew when they bought) and inability to trade at all for two months!"
Completely wrong huh?! Now tell me on which "American" market did they trade when OPELF was only listed on the OTCQX in 2012?! LOL You do understand what an ADR is don't you?! Clearly not, and despite being totally ignorant on the matter (& many others) you try to argue with nonsense comments. And to top it off, you buy an ADR, knowing there isnt much liquidity and then you yammer about it ad nauseam... Which one of the two are you, Beavis or Butthead?
"Granted, it is frustrating when you can't sell your shares due to a minor issue with the DTC/SEC/FINRA/IIROC, whatever the blocking source was."
"The point which you appear unwilling or unable to grasp is that this issue was far from "minor" as you misportray it, to holders of OPELF who saw it plunge from 70 to 40 while unable to trade out. It was not a minor issue at all: It was willful noncompliance with the regulations on the part of Opel with very serious results to OPELF shareholders."
The point which you appear unwilling or unable to grasp is that the issue was minor! If it was a severe issue the stock would have never been cleared through the DTC! Capish?! So the only one "misportraying" things is you pal! You victimize yourself because the stock went from 0.70ish to 0.40ish, but here's a news flash for you, also OPL.V holders suffered those losses (on paper). Doing a name change usually takes 3 weeks to process and regardless which shares anyone held at that time we all had to endure the decline, which cannot be attributed to the company. OPL was active in the solar business and the whole industry tanked around that timeframe, or are you going to blame management for that one too?! It was annoying at that time, sure, but for longs it didn't really matter in the end, and they moved on after the event. Even those who were able to trade OPL.V after the 3 or 4 weeks waiting period the damage was done as the stock declined from 0.70 to mid 0.40's already, and since we were stuck during this corporate event no one could do anything about it! When the name change was proposed, agreed upon, and then later executed OPL's management couldn't possibly foresee that the solar market would tank months later, so stop whining like a victim! It was an unfortunate convergence of unforeseen circumstances! Better yet, stop fabricating false accusations! Like "it was willful noncompliance with regulations". Do you even realize what severe accusation these are? That is totally unsubstantiated! Or should I say dramatized to suit your agenda?! Heck, you even defended management months after the event, and now, because you sold you create this big fuss, hoping the stock would come down again so you can buy back. Don't come with pathetic excuses like we told management this & that yada yada... You didn't say anything at that time (name change of 2011), especially not before or during the first few weeks of being stuck like the rest of us, it was only later, once you noticed your OPELF's couldn't be traded that you started to ask questions, and it was after the event that you got wiser. If you had known all of this you would have tried to sell your ADR's beforehand no?! And now, because a new name change is coming you scream everywhere in panic mode that what happened two years ago will repeat itself, although it was very clearly stated to you (a couple of days ago) that management and their counsel is aware of what happened then, and know what to do, yet you continue to ring the alarm bell as if the world is coming to an end, why is that drama queen?! Here's why, by mental association you thought these events WILL recur, because that bad experience is stored in your memory, nothing with that, its normal, but then you decided to sell your stock, yet at the same time good news releases came out and you panicked again. And now you're creating doubt, fear, making wild accusations, throw dirt etc just to prevent the stock from going up. Like I said to you before, grow a pair and man up! You made the decision to sell, now stand by it, instead of acting maliciously!
I'm cool and collected, its you who acts desperately, anyone can see that, and rest assured they do! You are wrong on so many fronts, and then you play the innocent sheep. I've already corrected you many times, now and in the past, and will continue to do so! You were wrong about the trading halt, you were wrong about OPL.V trading, you were wrong about the market, you were wrong about brokers and the DTC, you were wrong with many of your wild accusations, and you were wrong to sell your stock! And then you create an ISSUE where there isn't one...
"I had let the poster know on the 9th that management had already spoken with council about what had happened in the past and that this would not happen. Why he would post that on the 10th, would only be to manipulate trading."
INDEED & duly noted!
Oh my, reverse psychology is used now... It is VERY CLEAR that you don't understand at all how these things work! I will repeat my own quote in case you couldn't comprehend it the first time:
"brokers don't take matters into their own hands, during corporate events they act upon instructions of the Transfer Agent, FINRA, the DTC etc"
I don't care how many called their broker, or what some derived from hearsay, only a fooool would say things like: In fact they CIRCUMVENTED the regulations of the DTC by using other means!
BWOHAHAHAHA Instead of making a lot of noise on these boards make sure you know the basics before making wild unsubstantiated claims, false accusation and allegations etc!!
Oh, I see, they CIRCUMEVENTED the regulations of the DTC... BWOHAHAHAHA
Brokers can stand on their head and have a million customers to satisfy, no way no how can they circumvent the DTC, because when they lock a security not even the Pope can move them... Once, and only once they receive the necessary documents they can unlock the stock, and not a picosecond before that! But I see, the mightly fabricator Laminarflow got his broker to circumvent the rules. LOL Pardon me your holiness BUT YOU'RE COMPLETELY WRONG (just like the Pope hehehe) Maybe you ought to read more before making yourself the laughing stock of this and many other boards!
In case people are wondering to whom I made this post, its a malicious person who calls himself "LaminarFlow" on StockHouse & "zincfinger" on other boards. He is totally unreliable, so don't take anything he says seriously! I'm posting this here just in case someone reads his worthless messages on other websites...