Just in case Ihub removes that reply I'm going to post it here.
OPELF was not HALTED for two months! Check the trading Halt History here:
The issue was related to the DTC & temporarily being ineligible for trading. It happens to Canadian stocks listed on US markets as ADR's when a change, or corporate event happens. Here's an example:
OPELF started trading on the OTCQX on May 16 2012 & the previous name change was in Aug of 2011, that was a different situation to start with, in 2011 there was no American market for those shares. Granted, it is frustrating when you can't sell your shares due to a minor issue with the DTC/SEC/FINRA/IIROC, whatever the blocking source was, but making accusations to scare people with false information is despicable to say the least! I see you don't hold back on producing fabrications either:
"The TWO MONTH halt on trading OPELF while OPL.V traded as usual during the last name change has a high probability of recurring." WRONG, OPL.V shares were also locked for at least 3 weeks during the name change, because that is the minimum amount of time it takes to process a name change! I know people who could trade again after 4 weeks, some 5 and for ADR's it took longer. A document was missing or contained errors, hence it took longer, no reason to create such a fuss about that...
Here's another prime example of a fabrication:
"It Opel did not get the data in for over two months. I've been told by several sources now that Opel NEVER got the information in and the the brokers had to take matters into their own hands and process them manually and physically transport (NOT thru the mail) actual processed share certificates. "
How can OPL not get the data in for two months when you could trade again after two months eh?!
Your sources are either badly informed, or you're making it up, because brokers don't take matters into their own hands, they act upon instructions of the Transfer Agent, FINRA, the DTC etc!
Here's another prime example of a fabrication:
" Two months seems greatly excessive for Opel to find out what the problem was and to correct it.They were informed by numerous shareholders at the time of the existence of the problem so they cannot claim that they were not aware of it from the beginning."
Wrong again, I followed the discussions on SH and during the first few weeks of the previous name change no one knew about the problem, that only came to the surface afterwards! People started asking questions when the name change took longer than 3 weeks... So don't fabricate stuff that suits ones agenda!
Here's another prime example of a fabrication:
" 1) a total contempt on the part of management for the welfare of investors in OPELF. (actually this applies whether 2 is also true or not)
2) Opel may have had some strong motivation for keeping the data out of public databases for those additional two months or NEVER revealing it. The way to do that would be just not include it in the application knowing that Canadian authorities did not require it and that OPL.V could go on trading despite whatever happened in the USA. Other than pure contempt for OPELF holders welfare, that's the only plausible explanation I can think of for Opel's attitude. They were IMHO very clearly very upset at being given prior notification of this potential problem. That would, of course, have great potential for causing problems if they INTENDED to do it again! I am attempting to find out what the nature of the data was. "
These are gross unsubstantiated accusations, and above all they don't make any sense at all! What data & databases? NEVER reveal what? What benefit would OPL have for taking care of the Canadian stocks but not the ADR?! Sheesh, they created a market on the OTC so Americans could trade it... Besides, in 2011 OPELF wasn't trading on the OTCQX as that happened 9 months after the last name change! Too funny... and then to say its the only plausible explanation. Amazing!
Its even worse, accusing the company of contempt, not caring for shareholders, intentionally withholding information, false claims etc... Ever heard of defamation? Be careful when threatening with a class action suit (for peanuts) it could come back and bite you... Just saying
"and I got hung up on " ... Can you blame him?! sheeesh...
@zincfinger aka LaminarFlow on other boards, just for fun remove 'on' in the last quote... No one would blame ya