they will never admit there is illegal Manipulation by MM"s or Trading Firms (offshore or not) Shorting these low end stocks or there is Paid Demoters ...WHY ? well it's really easy to see the agenda of such groups that "we help investors and saving them from losing money" crap they do help with some but turns around selects and targets a company when the BOSS says so and they are paid to create Doubt, Fear, Uncertainty line their pockets, also with the use of multiple aliases makes it even more visible... lol ... theres not only Pumpers/Promoters, we know Demoters are part of the underground market of PennyLand and more are aware of this already old type of fraud that is only getting noticed recently within the last years.
they think we are so Gullible, but some are making their games public and the Regulators are WATCHING !!!