Evening. It seems like you're panhandling for readers more than seeking to warn people away from investing their hard earned money. Who are you trying to save and who has made you the savior? has anyone asked for prophetic wisdom from you or your group about KMAG in an effort to save their money? You sound as if you are projecting. The four guys sitting around the computers could just as easily be you and your buddies. You need to have more accurate and evidence-based information if you wish to "control" people's thinking. Trust me, you will get very little accomplished.
Why would you be focusing on a sub-basement company with a sub-basement pps? What motivates you to knock the company deeper down except for your own benefit? Or perhaps there is a hidden vendetta against the company that you do not wish to divulge? Perhaps Mr. Reid did not cave into your wishes or give you free shares to promo his company? There must be something behind the motivation as it would seem there are far bigger fish to fry then a small-time operation like KMAG.
That alone makes you suspect. It leaves a cloud over your posting that is as non-transparent as 90% of the corrupt pinks. I've read several of your posts and you offer zero proof. You spit out words, cut and copy forms and filings that many of us have already researched and then you spin it the way you wish to spin it. To what affect? At this point, with this pps at this low level, you're just as well off pissing in the wind for all the good it will do you. Perhaps you will rattle some and for that you may freely pat yourself on the back. My suggestion, is a better day job and more time away from the keyboard. Good luck in your cause as fruitless as it will be in the long run.