We are not selling a single share. I have never received a single dime of the money that you put into the stock when you buy on the open market. We did no secondary offerings. When you buy and sell stock that money moves from the person buying to the person selling. I am the largest shareholder and I have actually put money in the company. That is how we survived over the years. The reason the company is alive is from me funding it over the years and I have never taken a salary in 8 years.
We are all working our butts off and have recovered quickly to get on the right path after what we dealt with from JC. If I did not believe in what we are doing I would have walked away a long time ago or I would have stopped spending all this money on Q's and K's. But, I am still here because I am confident that after some major bumps we are on the right path. I am excited about our launch of the network and changes to our out of home area. So stop with your ridiculous comments. You are attacking the one person that has kept the company alive all this time when we had no revenues by paying the bills out of my own pocket.