Yeah some people, dont care about the stock, theyre just looking for quick buck, and quick trade. They're only there to make money, to some extent I would assume all of us to.
But I guess alot of us did our own research on BMSN, and we basically became more and more interested in the product or service they are potentially providing. We see with our own eyes that they have certain goals, and we see them meet there goals pretty much on time.
I agree, those kind of short term strategies are for gold mining type stocks (ugh which i have lost so much money on, I will never invest in gold mining stocks again).
But you cant get a much better long term play than BMSN, this is the long term stock of long term stocks. Cant envision BMSN in just days, the real reward will be reaped by those who see BMSN to the end. And those short termers, shorters will be kicking themselves in the end.
WIth that said, I do plan on selling some certain shares on milestone events. and keep a nice amount of shares till the end.