Good day, all. I was just over at iHell (trying to induce vomiting this morning) and read where some seemingly wannabe know-it-all preached that BMSN is not a long term stock, rather a swing traders stock because it has not established itself as a long term yet. Thus, should be traded as a short.
OK, I understand because it is human nature that most people can't get beyond their own noses; life is all about me, me, me and they could give two shits about any form of altruism. Hence, give bad advice so others don't benefit nearly as well as you (just one example)...but, is there any validity in that? At least with BMSN and this science? This is not the same as mining for uranium or drilling for oil. In such cases I can see where his rule is applicable. But are some sectors (or companies) immune to this?
I know what the mm's & bashers are and why they make life such a pain. I understand why something as ridiculous as a very irresponsible & frankly BS-littered blog by SeekingAlpha can cause longs to dump a stock first chance thereby causing it to lose 34% in a day, etc., etc., etc., But, is there really something like a playground line for dodgeball and you have to wait your turn before you can truly be considered a "long hold"? If so, are there not exceptions for companies whose expertise are along the lines of, oh I don't know, cancer cures & gene silencing?
Now, explain this to me like I am a third grader. But, don't be condescending or I won't play anymore!