From years of watching the grain markets, I became aware of an old superstition that if a market goes UP on a Friday, chances are that it will go DOWN on a Monday, and vice-versa. I don't have the experience to know it the same holds true in stocks. It will not bother or upset me if there is a slight downtrend trend this afternoon for the close, because we have definetly started an uptrend.
With provenence and continuing reports of production, I feel we are on the way to seeing our goals met. Baby steps are ok with me, because they do get us to the goals we want, and I feel it is somewhat critical to make the right decisions here at the start!
I am gaining quite a bit of respect for our administrators, because it seems they are focused on the future and are "dotting T's, and crossing I's" or is that the other way!
Take on the world TECO!