
in trying to ascertain as to why information is disappearing, I think the most correct answer is it no longer applies.
On the investment front consider Alki David, Shambro, Diller, Cuban, Branson.....all aware. One or more most likely on board; hence further backing not required.
Given GM's association with VG/VZ, Qwest/CTL, T, and others, it could be that inline with the open forum concept that GM is working with all in order to help implement a National Broadband Network.
Currently the U.S. lags Asia and Europe.
Eastern Europe the battleground for IPTV’s major changes
IPTV beating cable on growth
Video to drive 12x rise in mobile data traffic by 2018
Virgin Media trials MPEG-DASH
Open IPTV Forum releases HTML5 profile for connected TVs
By Jamie Beach June 4th, 2013
Industry body the Open IPTV Forum has published a profile of HTML5 and other related web technologies aimed at connected TV services and devices, intended to make it easier for developers to create rich apps and services that work with connected TVs.
The new release describes a common profile based on the latest, stable web technologies that are expected to be implemented by connected TV manufacturers for the creation of rich HTML5 applications, including CSS and DOM3
Jon Piesing of TP Vision, the technical lead of the group that created this specification, said: “This update should enable apps and services for connected TVs to be developed relying on the presence of a coherent and consistent set of up-to-date technologies. It should make it easier to re-use tools and libraries developed for the web when developing for connected TVs.”
..........in regards to the open forum, I believe Mexico just required their TelCom companies to open up to SMBs
There was a prior article involving the open forum and dutv.
A national broadband network would foster IPTV progress
It is remarkable that the United States still has no national broadband network (NBN). The idea has bubbled around like newt eyes in a witch's brew but it never gets progresses beyond PowerPoint slides before being packed away and carted to the next presentation.
Those who see an NBN as an example of big government using public funds to interfere with private enterprises miss the historical precedent. The United States encouraged privately run railroads to link its shores--the first national network. When those railroads abused their power, the same country used public funds to build roads and highways to compete with, and some would say, defeat them.
For many, a government-fostered national broadband network threatens the private firms that are allegedly cobbling together the pieces to connect every town and hamlet with high-speed broadband. Of course if those same private concerns were doing an adequate job, one could argue, no one would build a PowerPoint presentation on the benefit of a NBN.
I hadn't thought about a U.S. NBN for a while now, but a couple of recent international items pushed it back to my frontal lobe.
In Malaysia, StarHub, a cable operator with its own modern infrastructure, is using the country's next generation NBN to deliver IPTV services to commercial customers. It's a strange case. StarHub, when it acquired Singapore Cable Vision in 2002, promised incumbent telco Singapore Telephone that it wouldn't use its cable infrastructure to compete for small business customers. So, even though it passes multiple potential SMBs (small-medium businesses), all StarHub can do is wave and suggest alternative methods that generally include SingTel or some other costly proposal.
The cable company now has launched what it calls StarHub on Fibre, using IPTV and the country's NBN to deliver video entertainment services to SMBs. It is a novel way to get around a roadblock and a novel way to use a national broadband network. Oh, and it offers competitive pricing to SMBs that previously had few options.
In another part of the world, an Australian broadcaster is preparing to dip its toes into the IPTV space with a broadcast-to-broadband service. Seven West Media wants to expand its one-way broadcasts into the interactive world and plans to use a broadcast-to-broadband model and IPTV to accomplish it. The new offering will use what's called hybrid broadcast broadband TV (HbbTV) and--drum roll please--the Australia NBN.
In both cases, these are business plans that would not have existed without a national network on which to run them. In both cases, it's likely that both innovative companies and the consumers they serve will benefit from having access to a national broadband network.
Google Fiber (Nasdaq: GOOG)--which, depending on how you look at it, is either a harbinger of things to come or 1 gig overkill designed to embarrass the incumbents into jacking up their broadband offerings--is about the only comparable play I can think of in the U.S.
Google has lots of money, but it's not the Union Pacific Railroad and it's not going to build a coast-to-coast information superhighway. Neither, it seems, are any of the other so-called national providers who shrink into their regional shells when the idea of an NBN bubbles to the surface.
It's politically incorrect to suggest, but the NBN needs a government boost. Based on international evidence, an NBN would help companies--new and old--develop business plans that benefit both private enterprise and the public.--Jim
Read more: A national broadband network would foster IPTV progress - FierceIPTV http://www.fierceiptv.com/story/national-broa...z2W0FKol28
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Given the recent development with Mexico opening up and VG with # access....voip, I think the open forum concept is moving forward. That said, companies are protective of their space and business; hence it could still take a while in the U.S.
Bottomline, I still think DUTV will be in a sweet spot.....meantime battles for position continue worldwide.

